The stress relaxation software EC 05 performs and evaluates stress relaxation tests and supports both ISO and ASTM standards.
Click image to enlarge.
The EC 05 software is easy to use and is packed with features.
- Edit the test setup and supervise test status.
- Evaluate stress relaxation.
- Automatically increase logging time interval.
- View result as absolute force in N, F/F0, R(t) or F/F(t0).
- Calculate of the median value when testing double or triple test pieces.
- Create test reports.
- Compensate for the load cell deformation.
- Switch between absolute or relative time.
- View result graph as linear or logarithmic time.
- Easily zero the force.
- Easily set F0.
- Set end condition as F/F0 or time.
Configuration view
Click image to enlarge.
In the Configuration view the user can combine one, two or three testing rigs to a group. Data for each group is saved in one file. The software calculates the median results from the rigs in the group.
Log view
Click image to enlarge.
In the Log view the user sets the logging details, the evaluation points – time for t0 and F0, and starts the test.
Group Setup
Click image to enlarge.
In the Group Setup window, the file name for the result file is specified, the logging intervals can be modified, and the end conditions are set as time, F/F0 or a combination of both.
Station Setup
Click image to enlarge.
In the Station Setup window, the user sets the type of test (compression or tension) and the test piece dimensions.
Evaluation points
In the Evaluation points table, evaluation points can be specified, at which the application will calculate the relaxation percentage and F/F0.
Basic software and licenses
This software is purchased in two parts to increase the flexibility of customer adapted systems. First part, EC 05, is the basic part of the software, the other part is a license, EC 05-x. Purchase one license per rig you want to use for testing. The price per license is decreasing after a certain quantity, available in following steps: 8, 16 and 32. The x equals these steps. In this way the customers only purchase a system in the size they will need. If needs increase in the future, the system can easily be adapted for this.
EC 05 Viewer software
Click image to enlarge.
The Relaxation Viewer is a part of EC 05 Relaxation, and this is where you analyze the test results and create test reports.
Additional Viewer licenses can be purchased so the Viewer can be installed on a separate computer. This allows a user to check and evaluate the tests from an office computer.
- Open multiple files for comparison and analysis.
- Create reports for printing or export.
- Edit evaluation points.
- Analyze according to ISO3384 method B.
- Export measurement data.
• Evaluation point editor
Click image to enlarge.
Add, remove and modify evaluation points. Evaluation can also be done by F/F0, R(t) according to ISO 3384 method B, with cycling temperatures. Evaluation points can also be saved to file and loaded for other log files too.
• Add annotations
Annotations can be added to the graph. They appear on the report.
• Display F/F0, R(t) and F/F(t0)
Click image to enlarge.
Force can be displayed as F/F0, R(t) or F/F(t0). F/F(t0) displays F/F(t0) between t0 and F0.
• Create Reports
Click image to enlarge.
Two main types of reports are available, one that includes details about the included stations and evaluation point calculations, and one that is only a graph (see image on previous page).
Annotations can be added to the report, plot names can be displayed and modified, the plot appearance and graph scale setup can be edited. The graph time can be set to relative or absolute time, as well as logarithmic scale.
The report can be printed or saved as an image file.
• Print evaluation data as plot
Click image to enlarge.
Evaluation points can be plotted in the report.
• Pick and choose what to print
Multiple files, groups or stations can be selected (in any combination) for report printing.
• View log point details
Click image to enlarge.
Details for the log points can be browsed and relaxation levels can be searched for.
• Customize report
Click image to enlarge.
The report header and file names can be edited, and a logo can be added to the report.
• Edit group and station settings
Grade name, operator and comment can be edited.
• Turn off strain compensation
Strain compensation can be turned off or on per station or group.
• Export data
Measurement data can be exported into a well formatted text file for import into e.g. Excel or database systems.
Secure your long term logging
For long term logging instruments we strongly recommend to secure the power to the computer with a double converting UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), for reducing electrical disturbances and power failure. Elastocon can offer the ED 06 UPS.
More information
Product brochure: Elastocon – Software for relaxation testing, EC 05.pdf
Product brochure: Elastocon – Stress relaxation and creep systems.pdf
Watch Elastocon's videos about the EC 05 Relaxation and Viewer software
Video EC 05 Relaxation – Presentation
Video EC 05 Relaxation Viewer – Presentation
Video EC 05 Relaxation Viewer – Getting help
Video EC 05 Relaxation Viewer – Viewing information
Video EC 05 Relaxation Viewer – First walkthrough