For a complete stress relaxation system there are other accessories also needed besides the cell ageing oven and the relaxation rigs – the amplifier box is one example.
EB 02.14-x amplifier box connects the rigs to a computer for acquisition of the force and temperature data.
The stress relaxation software EC 05 performs and evaluates stress relaxation tests and supports both ISO and ASTM standards.
EC 15 Arrhenius plots can be used to evaluate results, for example, from stress relaxation tests, and to make life time estimations. EC 15 lets you quickly plot the graphs and display the results.
This container can be used with the EB 02 stress relaxation rig.
Read more: Container for compression testing in liquids, EB 02.01
This air tight container can be used up to a pressure of 3 bar together with the EB 02 stress relaxation rig. This makes it possible to test samples in coolants under pressure.
Read more: Air tight container for compression testing in liquids, EB 02.01P
This container can be used with the EB 02TE stress relaxation rig.
Read more: Container for tension testing in liquids, EB 02.12