ISO 1853, ISO 1278, ISO 2951
Rubber polymers are in themselves electrical insulators and rubber is also used in many instances as insulation for electrical cables etc. When carbon black is compounded in the rubber, the electrical conductivity is increased and the rubber becomes a semi-conductor. With special types of carbon black, the rubber can also be made more conductive.
The test fixture EE 01TF combined with the base instrument EE 01Base is used for determination of volume resistivity on conductive and semi-conductive rubber and plastic materials, according to ISO 1853.
The test fixture EE 03TF-1/10 combined with the base instrument EE 01Base is used for determination of volume resistivity on semi-conductive materials, according to cable standard IEC 60502-2 and ASTM D257 fig 6 for insulating materials.
The test fixture EE 04TF combined with the base instrument EE 01Base is used for volume and surface resistivity tests on insulated materials according to ISO 14309, IEC 62631-3-1 and ASTM D257 fig 4.
Elastocon's EE 02 resistance tester is an instrument for determination of electrical resistance on conductive and antistatic rubber products according to ISO 2878.