Stress relaxation test systems

Stress relaxation tests are becoming more and more popular for determination of rubber properties.

Elastocon offers equipment for stress relaxation testing of rubber that meets the demands for continuous testing in both tension and compression, in liquid and air, as well as for different temperature intervals. Meets the requirements in ISO 3384, ISO 6914 and ASTM D6147.

Relaxation system for continuous measurement of rubber in either compression or tension. Meets the requirements in ISO 3384, ISO 6914 and ASTM D6147.

Automatic relaxation and creep tester, EB 18-II

The automatic relaxation and creep tester EB 18-II-3 has 3 test stations and an individual control of each test station as well as the temperature of each cell. The temperature range is between +40 to +200 °C. The EB 18‑II‑3 instrument perfoms tests according to ISO 188 method A, ISO 3384-1 method A, ISO 6914 method A, and ISO 899 with modified test specimen (no strain gauge required).

Automatic relaxation and creep tester, EB 32

The automatic relaxation and creep tester EB 32 is equipped with a liquid circulator for cooling and can cycle between -40 °C and +200 °C, with the same temperature in all 3 test stations. The EB 32 instrument perfoms tests according to ISO 188 method A, ISO 3384-1 method A and B, ISO 3384-2 method A and B, ISO 6914 method A, and ISO 899-1 as well as ISO 899-2 with modified test specimen (no extensometer required).

ALE-test system with cell oven for stress relaxation, EB 21

The ALE-test system (Aeration and liquid exchange test system) for compression testing – with possibility to exchange liquid and air – at temperatures up to 200 °C.